my first board

a place to test stuff
submition rules
  • Allowed file types are: .jpg, .png, .gif
  • maximum files: 3
  • maximum upload size: 5.00 MB
  • duplicate files are not allowed
  • posts will be saved in UTC time
  • max comment size is 2048 characters
  • tripcodes are enabled
  • BBCode is enabled
  • [ download ] 775.69 KB (1000x1000) penman.jpeg


    Thank you for installing kotatsuBBS!!
    I have put in a lot of work to make this software be as fluent as posible.
    Please consider fallowing and leaving a star on my repo. It means a lot.

    things you would want to do.

    1. delete the install.php file, that can leak your database creds
    2. edit /boardConfigs/baseConf.php and set defults (make sure to set your own salts where needed)

    [ download ] 70.29 KB (454x579) potatomond.jpg


    block quote....
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    - you are running KotatsuBBS. a clear and easy to read image board software -